About PhotoPutz


I'm Harry Quandt and you've found my website. As you can see from my Galleries, my preferences in photography are fairly broad - covering landscapes, plants, and vehicles of various sorts. I guess you could say I specialize in inanimate objects. People - not so much.

After retiring from engineering management, I decided to spend more time with photography, an activity that has interested me since grammar school.

In days-gone-by I had my own wet darkroom, and enjoyed making my own prints. Although I mostly shot black and white film, I experimented with Cibachrome color processing, and photo-silkscreening. Marriage, children, and career diluted my efforts for many years however.

The digital photo revolution captured my attention in the early 2000's and I've been hooked since then. Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop CS6 are my main tools now. Coupled with a good inkjet printer, I can produce quality prints that rival the best I was ever able to produce in the wet darkroom (and no fumes!).

I'm currently active in the Atlanta area photo clubs, and have enjoyed many local photo field trips.